Nyla Noble (2019-2020 Recipient) – University of Iowa
Dear Board and Officers of the Richard and Linda Harrell Foster Care Scholarship and Donors,
College is going well, I'm struggling a little bit in my math and rhetoric classes but I've been receiving help to overcome these obstacles. Currently my lowest grade is an C- in rhetoric and even though C's get degree's I'm personally not comfortable with passing an class with just an C so I've been seeking out lots of help. I'm striving, and my success will only continue to increase. I'm not involved much on campus but I plan to do a lot of volunteering hours during next semester. I know what organizations I'm most interested in. And as of right now my major haven't changed I'm still determined to be an nurse practitioner although the journey will be rocky. I have perseverance and can overcome anything. Thank you once again for investing in me!
Nyla Noble

Zach Issa (2019-2020 Recipient) – Iowa Central Community College & Iowa State University
Dear Board and Officers of the Richard and Linda Harrell Foster Care Scholarship and Donors,
I have enjoyed the transition into college. I am glad I took the two year route to save money before transitioning to a four year school. Things have been going good. Math is my only challenging class. My criminal justice classes I enjoy so I work really hard to keep that grade an A. I am also in Elements of Writing. I just finished a ten page paper and am waiting for it to be graded. My coaching class keeps me interested in athletics and I've learned numerous things that will help me teach students through athletics. I am preparing for finals after thanksgiving break and look forward to going home over break and come back to start my next semester. I am so grateful for your scholarship! Thank you so much.
Zach Issa

Grace Kanioka (2019-2020 Recipient) – University of Iowa
Dear Board and Officers of the Richard and Linda Harrell Foster Care Scholarship and Donors,
College has been everything I could have asked for so far. It’s stressful and sometimes lonely but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m having some struggles with my math class and just like Nyla I have been seeking as much help as I can. The change in environment has definitely taken a tool on my health and I’ve had two ER trips but I’m recovering now. I am very involved on campus and I‘m looking to start my journey in research next semester. One of the main things I am partaking in is “Walk It Out” which is the biggest multicultural fashion shows on campus and it only gets better because I am a group leader this year as a freshman! I am really looking forward to what else college has in store for me!
Grace Kanioka